Lectures On Personal Growth
"… [Nature] is a mass of laws; yet as these laws appear to us, they are so beautiful that we write poems about them, paint pictures of them, write music to express them. Everywhere around us, nature is both factual and beautiful. It seems to have a wonderful way of disguising facts, and yet permitting them to operate. Nature has its most wonderful and valuable facts in rivers and streams and mountains and sky, in the relationships of living creations. Yet in all these things, nature permits the appearance of spontaneity, a wonderful individual power for graciousness. Facts never seem to be cold in nature; they are cold only when man intellectualizes them.
This is a lesson that we can apply to our own temperaments. It is not necessary to be dry and dull in order to be truthful. To discover the art of living factually without this lack of beauty – this was one of the great problems of Chinese philosophy; and the Chinese accomplished a great deal in making the world of truth identical with the world of beauty. They realized the beautiful facts of life; and the emotions, which get us into trouble, were one of these beautiful facts of life to them. Instead of turning these emotions upon each other, often in a destructive way, they permitted their emotional natures to become enriched by receptivity to the sublime life that exists everywhere. We can learn a great deal from this."
HH The Dalai Lama - On Campus
Four thousand years ago, prehistoric Indians lived in the Grand Canyon as evidenced by figures they left in caves in the Redwall Limestone. They are believed to pre-date the Anasazi, who moved into the area in 500 A.D. The Hopi and Havasupai are descendants of the Anasazi Indians, considered the ‘wise ones’ and spiritual teachers by those in surrounding areas. This waterfall was photographed in the Grand Canyon, spiritual center of the United States, by Eileen Gordon, a San Francisco backpacker-business woman. Top of page, some wind pillows by Ross Lewis, a prominent New York artist. Environmental design and geomancy patterning by DonnaKova Dauser by private appointment. E me about your own special meditation garden!
This set of lectures is published in booklet form and may be ordered from
The Philosophical Research Society, Inc., 3910 Los Feliz Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90027
Link to PRS
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Remembering Dana & Christopher Reeve Larry King: Do you ever think you feel him around you?
Dana Reeve: All the time. And watching these clips of him, you know, he’s such a powerful presence. He was such a powerful presence in life and he continues. Someone like that… there’s a wonderful Maya Angelou poem that a dear friend sent me after Chris died and it starts with, ‘When old trees die the whole forest feels it.’ And then it talks about, ‘When large souls die, you continue to feel their vibration.’
And I think that’s definitely true.
-Dana Reeve, February 2005 (1961-2006)
Christopher Reeve
visit 'Haunting' below
July 17 '07 Blog, Bird of Paradise
By Lady Bird JohnsonOur former First Lady hears the call of the wildflower
Springtime in Texas! I have known 76 of them and, like the verse, I "count my blessings with the flowers, never with the leaves that fall."
Nature never fails to provide me with new surprises. And I do my best to be there for the yearly show, clearing my calendar in late March and April, to ride the country roads, and feast on bluebonnets and other wildflowers, in every hue of the rainbow. There will be a pasture lush with bluebonnets and another dense with purple verbena. Sprinkled on the latter are pink phlox and yellow coreopsis, coral Indian paintbrush, touches of white daisies, and wine-cups in deep purple red. Sometimes, there is an entire field of pink evening primroses. They are less fragile than they look, for they can be bountiful even when rain is scarce. Each discovery leads me on to seek another and another; each one, hopefully, more breathtaking than the next.
I made friends with wildflowers early in life. My mother died when I was five, and I grew up rather alone in a rural area of east Texas. The land, with its varying sights and sounds, provided me with good company. I listened to the evocative wind in the pine trees, drank in the heady scent of the magnolia blossoms, and searched for the first jonquil to appear. The first jonquil! This would herald a childish ceremony in which I would pretend that her highness was a queen, and I, her lady-in-waiting; awaiting, that is, other flowers in her court.
I hope children will always play these let's-pretend games with nature: floating a dandelion down a stream, pretending it's a raft for elves; believing that the violets at the foot of the gnarled old cypress tree are darling little elves. So natural is the lure of plants and flowers that I am not surprised to read that children in ancient Greece would float flower rafts down the Adriatic. Jeanne Chesanow has written of this childhood predilection in Honeysuckle Sipping, a sentimental tract that arouses sweet, dormant memories in me.
As I grew older, nature's charmed circle widened, like the ripples in Caddo Lake where I would row a bateau through the dark enchanted lagoons draped with moss from the cypress trees. Occasionally I would see a small alligator slithering from a muddy bank. It was here in my secret tucked-away place that time stood still.
GO full article by Lady Bird Johnson
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