When you look at the inner workings of electrical things, you see wires. Until the current passes through them there will be no light. That wire is you and me.
The current is God. We have the power to let the current pass through us, use us, produce the light of the world, Jesus, in us. Or we can refuse to be used and allow darkness to spread.
-Mother Teresa![]()
navigation Interview With Yogeshwar Muni The Seven Churches Eastern Words
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by DonnaKova Dauser
As you probably know, the founder of the Sanatana Dharma Foundation, and the man who developed, and still guides Enlightenment Intensives, is Yogeshwar Muni. He has been involved in spiritual growth work for over 30 years [these excerpts from the Winter 1981 exchange] teaching thousands of students.
The sum of his wisdom and teaching ability has been organized – by himself and several close disciples – over the last few years, into a course known as the Energy Mastery Course. It is in this form that Yogeshwar Muni makes his teaching available to all who wish to learn from him. It is his wish that all of his students follow through this course since it is such a complete, coherent, and orderly presentation of his knowledge. In total this process would take a serious student 12 years to complete.
The following interview was graciously granted to me as of the scheduled Morning Darshan at the Sanatana Dharma Foundation Ashram. I would like to thank each and every person at the ashram for their continued support and assistance in preparing this article. When I asked for the interview I was told Yogeshwar Muni does not give interviews nor does he allow his picture to be taken. He made an exception for me and that was a special day and an honor. These questions were asked at the St. Helena retreat, nestled way back in a quiet nook with seven waterfalls, overlooking Northern California’s breathtaking wine country. This text is a direct transcription from tape, so it flows exactly as the exchange took place, with some omissions of Sanskrit words and terminology for easy reading. See below for some Sanskrit words and their meanings.
Our Bapuji
Several times while he was with us at Kayavarohana, and again just before he left in April, Swami Kripalvananda [left in above picture] told us we should call Yogeshwar Muni “Bapuji” or some other name meaning, "Father."
Newsletter with Yogeshwar Muni articles Link with Yogeshwar Muni exercise This is one of the exercises we did at Sanatana Dharma Foundation during my second visit. Very refreshing!
From another page: "Yogeshwar Muni (Charles Berner) was a U.S. government physicist before he became a yogi. He says that kundalini yoga is a science-- reproducible, exact, predictable. The changes in individuals are always the same, if they are allowed to occur spontaneously. They are, however, largely subjective: greater awareness of self and others, awareness of suppressed energies, thoughts, emotions. Attitudes and behavior also change over time--practitioners become more ethical, compassionate, integrated."
In the West, we always have the connection between the seven churches and the seven energy centers. See the seven seeing stones mentioned in J.R.R. Tolkien's epic, The Lord of the Rings. Go to Supper With A View
Samael Aun Weor wrote:
THE SEVEN CHURCHES The seven churches mentioned in the Apocalypse of Saint John are not on the Asian continent as is presumed by the ignoramuses. The seven churches are in the spinal column (called Assiah in Kabbalah). The seven churches are connected to the seven chakras. The Apocalypse (Revelation) of Saint John is a book sealed with seven seals. This book is the Human Being. No one except the Lamb (symbol of fire), the Innermost which lies within us, can open this book and remove the Seven Seals. The seven churches are seven nerve centers in the spinal column that are connected to seven superior senses (chakras).
EPHESUS: The first church is the Church of Ephesus. It is located in the coccygeal cavity. Within it is the sacred serpent (Kundalini), the metal snake, the bronze serpent that healed the Israelites in the wilderness. Ephesus is connected to the Chakra Muladhara.
SMYRNA: When the serpent reaches the prostate, it awakens the second Church of Smyrna, and we acquire power over water and storms. Smyrna is connected to the Chakra Swadhistana. PERGAMUM: When the sacred serpent rises in the central channel of the spinal column to the level of the navel, the third church, the Church of Pergamus, is awakened. We then acquire power over lightning, fire, and erupting volcanoes. We can command volcanoes, and they obey us. We can command fire, and the universal fire obeys us. Pergamus is connected to the Chakra Manipura. THYATIRA: When the snake reaches the heart, the Church of Thyatira is awakened. This church gives us power over cyclones, over the breeze, and over hurricanes. Thyatira is connected to the Chakra Anahata. SARDIS: When the sacred snake reaches the level of the throat, we can hear the speech of the angels, the words of the souls of the dead, etc. This is the Church of Sardis. Sardis is connected to the Chakra Vishuddha. PHILADELPHIA: When the sacred snake rises through the spinal column and reaches as high as the brow, then we can see things of the other world: astral light, the souls of the dead, archangels, seraphim, powers, virtues, thrones, etc. This is the Church of Philadelphia and it is connected to the Chakra Ajna. LAODICEA: When the snake reaches the upper part of the cranium, the Church of Laodicea opens. This is the diamond eye. The one who opens this eye knows all the things of heaven and earth. He becomes terribly divine. He sees everywhere; he is aware of everything. Laodicea is connected to the Chakra Sahasrara. After this, the soul unites with the Innermost and becomes a master; prophet, wise man, enlightened being, possessor of power. He sees all, hears all and ignores nothing. ![]() MENU
10 Forward Star Trek galley, Colour Us Inn, Indiana Jones
The meanings of the term tantra are: “The regular order of ceremonies and rites,” and “the mystical formula for worship.” ![]()
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