60s M O V I E Q U I Z
How many movies can you match up with the director?
Some directors can be paired with more than one of these popular 60s films. Musicals are on another page.
Answers below the quiz.
a. Woody Allen, b. Michelangelo Antonioni, c. Blake Edwards, d. Federico Fellini, e. George Roy Hill, f. Alfred Hitchcock
g. Dennis Hopper, h. John Huston, i. Stanley Kubrick, j. Akira Kurosawa, k. Sergio Leone, l. Joseph L. Mankiewicz
m. Joseph McGrath, n. Mike Nichols, o. John Schlesinger, p. Francois Truffaut, q. Orson Welles, r. Fred Zinnemann
1960 1. Spartacus 2. Suddenly Last Summer1961 3. The Misfits 4. Yojimbo
1962 5. The Trial
1963 6. The Pink Panther
1964 7. Dr. Strangelove or: How I learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb 8. Marnie
1965 9. Darling 10. Juliet of the Spirits 11. What’s New Pussycat
1966 12. A Man For All Seasons 13. Blow Up 14. Fahrenheit 451
1967 15. The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly 16. The Graduate
1968 17. 2001: A Space Odyssey 18. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
1969 19. Easy Rider 20. The Magic Christian 21. Topaz
 B O N U S    Q U E S T I O N S
Bonus questions value 2 points each
22. Who directed The Pit and the Pendulum (1961)
23. The Ugly American (1963)
24. Who directed The Pawnbroker (1965)
25. Who directed The Sandpiper (1965)
***** 29-24 points Movie Critic Extraordinaire
5 Stars -You should be on the radio with a national following – write a column, begin your blog, you’ve got a knack for the film world. There isn't enough room on your forehead for all these gold stars is there?**** 23-18 points Certified Movie Buff
4 Stars - You're probably lots more savvy about the cinematic world than you realize. Consider taking a course with film in mind and meet other people who like to pass the popcorn. You’ll love it!*** 17-12 points Evolving Player
3 Stars - The movie theater is not your natural habitat but you know a lot about it. Try a low key challenge, without glitz and bling, like making a short home movie and find out if you’ve got talent.** 11-6 points Cinematic Inclination
2 Stars - Road narrows. There's still hope. Try a movie-of-the-month club and stay current with the zeitgeist. Its easy to pick up the rhythmn.* 5-1 Show Sold Out
1 Star - Come in from the wilderness. You didn't plan ahead and missed the big feature show. Unless you’re hooked on wild honey, carob, and locusts, try watching a movie once in a blue moon. You could be inspired by fantastic things in unexpected ways.
Movie match up: 1 point questions
a. 11, b. 13, c. 6., d. 10, e. 18, f. 8 and 21, g. 19, h. 3, i. 1, 7, and 17, j. 4, k. 15, l. 2, m. 20, n. 16, o. 9, p. 14, q. 5, r. 12.Bonus Round: 2 points each
22. Roger Corman, 23. George Englund, 24. Sidney Lumet, 25. Vincente Minnelli
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