Vincent van Gogh
Hand-painted Van Gogh movie. It took over 100 painters fluent in van Gogh's style to create this feature length movie. Still recruiting painters to complete the production.
from BreakThru Films, "Loving Vincent" 1:10
Leonard Nimoy writes, After one of my lectures, I was invited to the home of a couple who taught art at the university; we got to talking about touring programs such as mine, and they mentioned a one-man play about Vincent Van Gogh, based on the more than four hundred letters he's written to his brother.
I was immediately intrigued, because I'd been interested in finding such a one-actor vehicle along the lines of Hal Holbrook's wonderful presentation that permitted audiences to spend an evening with Mark Twain. It seemed a fascinating challenge. At the same time, this particular play about Van Gogh struck me as unique, because it didn't feature Vincent himself, but rather Vincent's brother, Theo. And it seemed to me that audiences would be able to much more quickly accept such a character, rather than an actor claiming to be the brilliant and eccentric Van Gogh himself. (Besides, Kirk Douglas had already given a marvelous performance as the artist in the film LUST FOR LIFE.)
-Leonard Nimoy, I AM SPOCK*
Vincent Van Gogh was born on March 30, 1853, at Groot-Zundert in the province of Brabant, his Sun in the sign of the Ascendant of Theo, his brother, the first sign of the zodiacal girdle about the earth, Aries the Ram. Leonard Nimoy, a native Aries as well, understood the power of Vincent's vision - the noble Mars expressed via the rising Sun in Aries at dawn the morning of the Spring Equinox. Nimoy wrote and hosted an In Search ... episode about Vincent and Theo for television. He also wrote and presented a fascinating one man stage production, Vincent, spotlighting letters exchanged between the brothers read before multiple life size, back-lit canvas images painted by Vincent over the course of his life. I was fortunate enough to catch the performance when the show came to San Francisco.
It is important to note the van Gogh clan were likely strong candidates for the phenomena known as transmigration of clan souls. Vincent was the second son of a Protestant minister with the name Vincent Van Gogh. His still born brother, born a year before on the same day, was a "ghost-like" companion who lived with him throughout his life.
Vincent van Gogh was born at 11:00 AM, with his Sun in Aries @ 9° 39', conjunct by sign and degree [not house] the powerful Ascendant of his younger brother Theo van Gogh. Vincent's Ascendant 21° Moonchild 06', is concerned with the theory of transmigration and, with the Moon and Jupiter in the Sixth House [heredity, the physical vessel generally - description of the ergonomic factor] indicates a tendency for clan members to assume an incarnate state in a family group, to work on matters that pertain to clan karma.
Vincent's Midheaven: 22° Pisces 00' provides insight related to his struggle to remain in his physical anatomy from very early childhood. His number spread indicates his life was, for the most part, lived out on a spiritual plane.Theo van Gogh (art dealer) was born on May 1, 1857 at 3:30 AM in the Netherlands, at Groot-Zundert.
His Taurus Sun 10° 40' grounded Vincent to a degree. Theo's Moon in his Sixth House @ 12° Leo 07' over Vincent's Moon in Sagittarius in his star chart gave Theo a sympathetic link with Vincent that could be felt at a great distance. Theo had Neptune in Pisces in his Twelfth House of Soul Mates in a square [by house] to Vincent's Neptune in Pisces in his Ninth House an indication they had different ways of taking on "life challenges and tests". They may have communicated during the "sleep and dream experience" when matters of vital importance became a factor in Vincent's life.
Theo had an Aries Ascendant @ 3° 24' in his very strong First House that included Jupiter 26° Aries 45'
Midheaven 1° Capricorn 18'
Leonard Nimoy, host of TV series, watch the episode: In Search Of... Vincent van Gogh, that began a personal search for van Gogh prior to Nimoy's own production of Vincent.
Gore Vidal commented on the idea of doubles this way, as he referred to The Prince and the Pauper [later the remake, or at least familiar parallels with the storyline, The Man In The Iron Mask,1998]:
The childhood desire to be a twin does no seem to me to be narcissistic in the vulgar Freudian sense. After all, one is oneself; and the other other.
It is the sort of likeness that makes for wholeness, and is it not that search for likeness that desire and pursuit of the whole - as Plato has Aristophanes remark - that is the basis for all love? As no one has ever actually found wholeness in another human being, no matter of what sex, the twin is the closest that one can ever come toward wholeness with another; and, dare one invoke biology and the origin of our species, there is always, back of us mammals, doomed to die once we have procreated, our sexless ancestor the amoeba, which never dies as it does no reproduce sexually but merely - serenely? - breaks in two and identically replicates.Anyway, I thought Billy and Bobby Mauch were cute as pair of bug's ears, and I wished I were either one of them, one of them mind you. I certainly did not want to be two of me me, as one seemed more than enough to go around even in a "famous" family. Yet doubleness has always fascinated me, as mirrors do, as filmed images do.
-Gore Vidal, A Memoir, Point to Point Navigation
see Legend Gérard Depardieu tribute
visit Van Gogh gallery
Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh
Isleworth, 7 October 1876Dear Theo,
It is Saturday again and I write once more. How I long to see you again, Oh! my longing is sometimes so strong. Write soon, a little word as to how you are.Last Wednesday we took a long walk to a village an hour's distance from here. The road led through meadows and fields, along hedges of hawthorn, full of blackberries and clematis, and here and there a large elm tree. It was so beautiful when the sun set behind the grey clouds, and the shadows were long. By chance we met the school of Mr. Stokes, where there are still several of the boys I knew. The clouds retained their red hue long after the sun had set and the dusk had settled over the fields, and we saw in the distance the lamps lit in the village. While I was writing to you, I was called to Mr. Jones, who asked if I would walk to London to collect some money for him. And when I came home in the evening, hurrah, there was a letter from Father with tidings about you. How I should like to be with you both, my boy. And thank God there is some improvement, though you are still weak. And you will be longing to see Mother, and now that I hear that you are going home with her, I think of the words of Conscience.
"I have been ill, my mind was tired, my soul disillusioned and my body suffering. I whom God has endowed at least with moral energy and a strong instinct of affection, I fell in the abyss of the most bitter discouragement and I felt with horror how a deadly poison penetrated my stifled heart. I spent three months on the moors, you know that beautiful region where the soul retires within itself and enjoys a delicious rest, where everything breathes calm and peace; where the soul in presence of God's immaculate creation throws off the yoke of conventions, forgets society, and loosens its bonds, with the strength of renewed youth; where each thought takes the form of prayer, where everything that is not in harmony with fresh and free nature quits the heart. Oh, there the tired souls find rest, there the exhausted man regains his youthful strength. So I passed my days of illness . . .. And then the evening! To be seated before the big fireplace with one's feet in the ashes, one's eyes fixed on a star that sends its ray through the opening in the chimney as if to call me, or absorbed in vague dreams too much to look at the fire, to see the flames rise, flicker, and supplant one another as if desirous to lick the kettle with their tongues of fire, and to think that such is human life: to be born, to work, to love, to grow and to disappear."
Mr. Jones has promised me that I shall not have to teach so much in future, but that I may work in his parish, visiting the people, talking with them, etc. May God give His blessing to me.
Now I am going to tell you about my walk to London. I left here at twelve o'clock in the morning and reached my destination between five and six. When I came into that part of the town where most of the picture galleries are, around the Strand, I met many acquaintances: it was dinnertime, so many were in the street, leaving the office or going back there. First I met a young clergyman who once preached here, and with whom I then became acquainted, and then the employee of Mr. Wallis, and then one of the Messrs. Wallis himself, whom I used to visit now and then at his house, now he has two children; then I met Mr. Reid and Mr. Richardson, 1 who are already old friends. Last year about this time Mr. Richardson was in Paris and we walked together to Lachaise.
After that I went to van Wisselingh, where I saw sketches for two church windows. In the middle of one window stands the portrait of a middle-aged lady, oh, such a noble face, with the words "Thy will be done," over it, and in the other window the portrait of her daughter, with the words, "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." 2 There, and in the gallery of Messrs. Goupil & Co., I saw beautiful pictures and drawings. It is such an intense delight to be so often reminded of Holland by art.
In the City I went to see Mr. Gladwell and to St. Paul's Church. And from the City to the other end of London, where I visited a boy who had left the school of Mr. Stokes because of illness and I found him quite well, playing in the street. Then to the place where I had to collect the money for Mr. Jones. The suburbs of London have a peculiar charm, between the little houses and gardens are open spots covered with grass and generally with a church or school or workhouse in the middle between the trees and shrubs, and it can be so beautiful there, when the sun is setting red in the thin evening mist.
Yesterday evening it was so, and afterwards I wished you could have seen those London streets when the twilight began to fall and the lamps were lit, and everybody went home; everything showed that it was Saturday night and in all that bustle there was peace, one felt the need of and the excitement at the approaching Sunday. Oh, those Sundays and all that is done and accomplished on those Sundays, it is such a comfort for those poor districts and crowded streets.
In the City it was dark, but it was a beautiful walk along the row of churches one has to pass. Near the Strand I took a bus that took me quite a long way, it was already pretty late. I passed the little church of Mr. Jones and saw in the distance another one, where at that hour a light was still burning; I entered and found it to be a very beautiful little Catholic church, where a few women were praying. Then I came to that dark park about which I have written you already and from there I saw in the distance the lights of Isleworth and the church with the ivy, and the churchyard with the weeping willows beside the Thames.
Tomorrow I shall get for the second time some small salary for my new work, and with it buy a pair of new boots and a new hat. And then, with God's will, I shall go fitted out afresh.
In the London streets they sell scented violets everywhere, they flower here twice a year. I bought some for Mrs. Jones to make her forget the pipe I smoke now and then, especially late in the evening on the playground, but the tobacco here has a touch of gloom about it.
Well, Theo, try to get well soon and read this letter when Mother is sitting with you, because I should like to be with you both in thought. I cannot tell you how glad I am that Mr. Jones has promised to give me work in his parish, so that I shall find by and by what I want. I am longing so much for you. A handshake for yourself and one for Mother when she is sitting beside you. Many regards to the Roos family and to everyone I know, especially to Mr. Tersteeg. Tell Mother it was delightful to put on a pair of socks knitted by her, after that long walk to London.
This morning the sun rose so beautifully again, I see it every morning when I wake the boys.
Your loving brother, Vincent
Reid was an English art-dealer; Richardson was the travelling representative for Theo's firm. Hebrews XI i.
At this time, Vincent was 23 year old
Translated by Mrs. Johanna van Gogh-Bonger, edited by Robert Harrison, published in The Complete Letters of Vincent van Gogh, Publisher: Bulfinch, 1991, number 076. URL:
end of Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh (7 October 1876)
also see
Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh
(July 1880)Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh
(2 April 1881)
Location: The power site Ste. Maries de-la-Mer, was the home of Nostradamus, the seer of Provence; this mysterious zone influenced many artists, mystics and madmen, such as Schwaller de Lubicz, Cezzane and Vincent van Gogh; van Gogh was probably also intrigued by the lost city of Glanum and the arena of Arles and the Diana/Isis temple at Nimes.
* Spock, the essential representative of Vulcan mysticism, in day mode Leonard Nimoy, commented on STAR TREK III on this page. Nimoy and Spock have superimposed their character roles on such occasions as this, metaphysical Trek formula. "The major theme in this film is about friendship. What should a person do to help a friend? How deeply should a friendship commitment go? What price should people be willing to pay? And what sacrifices, what obstacles, will these people endure? That is the emotion line of the film. For me, that is its reason for existence."
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