Star Menu in Honor of Christopher Reeve
Rest In Peace

Star Chart Information
DOB: September 25, 1952 at 3:12 AM, in New York NY
Sun 2° Libra 09' and his Moon 12° Sagittarius 32'
Ascending sign: 19° Leo 07' - Midheaven: 10° Taurus 31'
Dominant zodiacal signs: Libra, Leo, and Sagittarius
Dominant planets: Pluto, Venus, and
Destiny path: 33
Note: Pluto 22° Leo 26', in the First House of "I AM" conjunct the Ascendant cusp, orb @ 3°19'
Pluto is the sole planets in this House, reinforcing the "Phoenix" archetype phase of the birth, death, and rebirth cycle of the Moon. Reeve's Jupiter is the ruler of his Moon in Sagittarius, and is conjunct his Midheaven [public image, reputation, life works] in a wide orb of 10°04. The general public could easily see Reeve as "flying" because these astrological degrees refer to Pegasus, Jupiter's winged stallion, and perhaps the eight-footed steed that belongs to the Norse god Odin.
However, Jupiter square Reeve's Ascendant within a 1°28' orb, and Jupiter square Pluto within a 1°50' orb creates the brand of rivalry witnessed in, "Clash of the Titans" and "Wrath of the Titans" where brother-gods battle in a way similar to the War in Heaven and gods/goddesses are converted into choirs for the duration of the Piscean Era.
Pluto Aspects include: Jupiter square Pluto
Neptune sextile Pluto related to soulpower and soul mates, and Venus sextile Pluto
Mars trine Pluto
Destiny path 33 vocations include: service formulae that are universally useful, use of illusion [acting skills], global consciousness, establishing balance & fairness, inner stillness, inspiration, multi-layered knowledge and multi-tasking techniques, humility with regard to self-help programs and self-improvement regimen, reliability, compassion, willingness to work, mediation and consultation with emphasis on advice, contact with wide range of people, inner calmness, love of agriculture and nature generally, community garden, love of art, music, and all things of beauty. Historical restoration, care and well being of national treasures, foundations that inform, instruct, and rehabilitate. Master of collective management.

Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation
Official Somewhere in Time homepage
Jane Seymour portal - Official
Jane Seymour homepage
Additional players with the power of the phoenix/eagle in their filmography include:
Antonio (“Zorro”) Banderas protects the downtrodden with Venus and Pluto conjunct Regulus and Descendant, in addition to Neptune in Scorpio in his eighth house (Melanie “Born Yesterday” Griffith also with Scorpio dominant in her star chart)
Lynda "Wonder Woman" Carter wears the phoenix as a pectoral amulet, sewn - probably with golden thread to match her lasso - into her Amazon outfit. Go Kirk (“Spartacus,” “Ulysseus”) Douglas has the classy Hollywood Midheaven trine from Pluto in the fifth house of actors and competitors in the open arena. Venus in Scorpio in his tenth house of public image and reputation is outside a trine by degree, although by sign the “sex symbol” recognition is undeniably present. Spartacus had the ability to transform ancient Rome’s collective consciousness. He took the opportunity when the occasion arose and never looked back – typical of the tremendous power of Kirk Douglas in the world of mortals, as evidenced via his biographical work.
Enya’s North Node conjunct Regulus and Pluto in her Ascendant and Neptune in Scorpio at the Nadir bestows her transforming capability - she changes her world by the use of sound.
Mel (“The Patriot,” “Braveheart”) Gibson has Pluto in Leo in his second house of value codes, square his Moon and Ceres in Scorpio in his fifth house of the heart’s desire, acting and the ability to ‘tough it’ out and remain true to his principles in the rugged environment.
Sophia (“El Cid,” “Grumpy Old Men”) Loren has Jupiter in Libra conjunct her Scorpio Midheaven, so she can play both comedy and tragedy with equal brilliance. Her Pluto in the seventh house of stage and the press sets a mood in keeping with her sophisticated delivery style, that could have contributed to her new business – her company provides attractive eyeglasses for women.
Michelle (“Ladyhawke,” “Wolf,” “One Fine Day”) Pfeiffer has Pluto in Leo exactly conjunct Regulus and her North Node conjunct Neptune in her fifth house of theatre, probably instrumental for her style and stage presence in “The Baker Boys” Academy Award role. The fifth house rules teaching by way of stories (and poetry) so may have prompted her interest, and eventual performance in, “Dangerous Minds.”
Christopher Reeve homepage with new photos of Chris and family members.
Julia (“Erin Brockovich,” “Runaway Bride”) Roberts, with Sun conjunct Mercury and Neptune in Scorpio, and her Venus conjunct Pluto in Virgo has the curiosity and nine lives of a cat in films like “Conspiracy Theory,” “Pelican Brief,” and “I Love Trouble.” She finally won recognition for her work contributing to the film “Erin Brockovich”!
Will (“MIB” and “Enemy of The State”) Smith with Jupiter and Pluto in Virgo conjunct his Midheaven and a Scorpio stellium (Juno, Luna, Ceres, Neptune) in his eleventh house (Jada Pinkett-Smith has her Part of Fortune conjunct her Scorpio Ascendant and a tremendous stellium in her tenth house of public recognition and identity that includes Mercury, Juno, Luna, Sun, and Pluto in Virgo, with her Venus @ 1 Libra, also in her tenth, fits like a glove for her role as hovercraft pilot and Zion representative in “The Matrix” trilogy and video games)
Sylvester (“Rocky,” “Rambo”) Stallone has his Mercury exactly conjunct Pluto @ 10 Leo with his Venus in Leo conjunct Regulus in the eighth house, giving him a natural gift for projection of the Pluto/Scorpio dynamics incorporated by both the boxer and stealth combat soldier. The daredevil on this energy line between life and death runs on adrenalin and goes to the recent drama, “Driven.”
Denzel (“Training Day” “Power”) Washington with Pluto conjunct Regulus in his eleventh house with Juno, Saturn, Venus, and Pallas Athena in Scorpio in his second house (a few Scorpio degrees in his radix Ascendant) should have had a better close for “Fallen,” but the extreme characters he can execute on the big screen often come under the “all or nothing” second house Scorpio heading – the tendency to “break the bank” one day and lose everything the next without the discipline of vililance.
Film examples for Phoenix study:
A Dry, White Season
Black Orpheus
Don Juan de Marco
Finding Forrester
Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets ~
Hogwarts Fanpage and the Weasley Tent at the
Quidditch World Cup
James Bond series
Julliet of The Spirits
Portrait of Jenny
Spy Games

Star Trek (Movie series, esp II, III, IV, V) on theme of manual introduction of new chemistry
to modify and re-construct the director of archetypal programs

Superman film and TV series ~
Superman screening room
including Somewhere In Time
SUPERMAN @ Hollywood Jesus:
"... The Jerusalem Post quotes Daniel Schifrin of the US National Federation
for Jewish Culture as saying, "The older I got the more I saw there was something profoundly Jewish about Superman, that he was one of us." He further states,
"Like Clark Kent we've been Diaspora Jews for so long, being viewed as timid
and bookish when underneath there are fierce Hebrew warriors doing God's work."
Full article
The Contender
The Doors
The Graduate
The Insider
The Lord of The Rings ~ FANPAGE
The Matrix ~ FANPAGE
The Turning Point
The Winslow Boy
Thirteen Days
Suggestions welcome - this list could go on forever, so send some personal faves - perhaps inspirational themes
that prompt constructive changes! Thank you. Check the Star Chart and Star Menu for more about people linked with the film list.
"Nothing is Impossible: Reflections on a New Life," by Christopher Reeve
A follow-up to his autobiography Still Me, this memoir includes anecdotes about the actor's life accompanied
by excerpts from speeches and interviews he's given since his horseback riding accident in 1995.
Transform 2004 - Christopher Reeve
Superman's Sidekick
Access: The Disability Issues Journal
Outside Links
Secret Contents of a Certain Government Warehouse
Version 0.1
This file attempts to catalog and describe the contents of a particular secret government warehouse. In the movie, "Raiders of the Lost Ark", this warehouse was the final resting place of the Ark of the Covenant. Includes:
possible evidence related to UFO landings during the 20th Century, as cited in "Kingdom of the Crystal Skull."
An 8-foot tall faceless silver android. If it ever moves, the label says to recite the words "Klaatu Barada Nikto". [The Day the Earth Stood Still]
A miniature city inside a bottle, with a life-support mechanism hooked to the bottle's neck. A high-powered stereoscopic magnifier is pointed at the bottle; looking through this reveals that the city is inhabited by near-microscopic humanoids who possess a higher level of technology than Earth-normal. (From the old "Superman" comics)
VTH-0003 Area 'A' Tarp 250x80x80
Time-Travel Phone Booth
Appears to be an ordinary public telephone booth, with an odd antenna on top. On closer inspection, it is revealed that the "Yellow Pages" contains not advertisements for services, but times and locations in Earth's history. If the operator dials the telephone number for an entry, then presses the * and # keys together, a transdimensional gate opens beneath the booth, and (after a short journey through the streams of time) appears at the time and location specified. The telephone number of the telephone has a San Dimas, California area code. [Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure, Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey]
See also
Keanu Reeves

10 Forward Star Trek galley, Indiana Jones Menu,
Innholders' Company,
It's All In The Sauce,
Jupiter Table,
magic spice,
Mercury Table,
Oracle's Lab,
star inn -Star Wars,
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