Neptune/Poseidon Temple entry [Strawberry Hill] San Francisco
Rules global consciousness, marine life, and higher octave law.
Linda Goodman writes, "If you should happen to see a Pisces behind a teller’s cage, or sitting at a bank president’s desk, you’ll be viewing a rare kind of fish. Very few of these people can stand being confined for long in one place. You’ll have better luck if you wander into a spiritual séance, visit an art gallery, walk through a convent or a monastery, attend a concert or catch a floor show in a nightclub. You might check an Authors’ League meeting, drop backstage after a play, or try some sunbathing on a yacht.
The chances are you’ll come up with a pretty good catch in any of those streams of life. The more creative and artistic, the more leisurely and esoteric the surroundings, the more fish you’ll find. The net will be full of colorful, shimmering types, if you spread it out at cocktail parties or gala balls…"
-Linda Goodman’s Sun Signs
Pisces is seen along the ecliptic between Aries and Aquarius. The brightest star in Pisces (Alpha Psc) is Al Rischa (or Alrisha), the second-brightest-star (Beta Psc) is Fum al Samakah. The spiral galaxy M74 is in Pisces.
Visible between latitudes 90 and -65 degrees
Best seen in November (at 9:00 PM)
Named Stars : Alrisha, "rope" (Alpha Psc); Fum al Samakah, "the fish's mouth," "muzzle of the fish" (Beta Psc); Torcularis Septentrionalis (Omicron Psc).
SURROGATES Johnathan Mostow 25 SEPT 2009
CAST: Bruce Willis, Radha Mitchell, Rosamund Pike, James Francis Ginty,
Boris Kodjoe, James Cromwell, and Ving Rhames
Running Time: 88 minutes
Surrogates is linked with three Tarot Trump: Trump XV, Trump XVI, Trump XVIII
HOUSE SYSTEM: Baby's Bedroom
* The baby’s bedroom in the Greer apartments is in impeccable condition, with the door closed.
* The second child’s bedroom of central significance to the plot is revealed later in the film;
it belongs to the son of surrogate creator Canter [James Cromwell].
Surrogates is multi-layered, a cement world, life-size version of three dimensional chess. The themes associated with Trump XV that compare the physical temple we desire and have [we are bodies or "meatbags," etc.] are part of the world we mold in the millenium. Tom Greer [Bruce Willis] and his wife, Maggie [Rosamund Pike], are in a struggle to cope with the addictions to structures, thought forms, and past memory. Maggie has dropped off the grid in the real world.
We have folded illusions into the world that addict us in daily life, as if expected to add an individual alottment of "mystic chalk" powder to our online profile, cosmetic make-up, wardrobe, and legendary resume. Trump XV anchors us to a physical temple in a Kafka-esque water and dust culture. Surrogates either surrounds us with techno-tendrils, or equalizes physical mobility for everyone in the mainstream.
Trump XVI character issues, addressed in Surrogates, involve self-acceptance and our feelings of loveability. The home station [surrogate program, system and setting] dictates rules common to all using a surrogate or walking around as a non-surrogate incarnate. If the life that is lived is inspired, just, and correct then life is good. Part of the reward is personal satisfaction with work at the end of the day. Consequences that come when dishonesty, treachery, or cruelty determine lifestyle – the cause of pain and suffering for others, saddles us with bad conscience, broken legacy, and fragmented, life-long regret. Fate is considered an equal opportunity employer in that regard, for royalty, surrogates, and commoners alike. Sometimes the symbol is that of a high place other than a tower, such as a mountain, but the idea remains constant.
Trump XVIII provides insight into one of the inner keys to the subtle engine that generates power to the surrogate system. There are often two towers in this design, one white and one black. In some ways they represent a positive and negative picture. Artists would refer to the visual appearance of a painting viewed with eyes wide open, and then with the eyes closed. The co-created perception is a "double" view. Sometimes we see images on the back of our eyelids as we enter the dream state. Generally, this idea is suggested by the personal tour of bedrooms that belong to several central characters. We have access to their action monitoring "screens" that record the night life of those who are "out and about." Because of the need to recharge surrogates [not to mention the physical vechile] on a ritual basis, we even look into their closets. Two children are key to the story and their bedroom décor and tone say everything about who they are. They are considered "perfect treasures" by their parents, who love them unconditionally, in contrast to everyone else in the film, hoping for love as the "perfect surrogate" model.
The story begins with the first murder in years. Everyone is taken by surprise because surrogates cannot "die" and users should be fully insulated from harm via an internal fail safe device.
Murder is surreal in a world that has, to date, cleaned up its act. FBI agents Greer and Peters [Radha Mitchell] have little evidence to go on – and what they have doesn’t compute. The two units with non-responsive users are a big mystery - one is not even registered. The pace of the film is fast, like a dream. A lot of action is compacted into a short time.
Return Trump XVIII The Moon
Tears of the Sun Antoine Fuqua 2003
Tears of the Sun for Bruce Willis
Lieutenant A.K. Waters character developed along the line of Bruce Willis Sun and Moon
Bruce Willis portrays Lieutenant A.K. Waters as a disciplined military man with textural insistence and determination to complete his mission against the odds. His adaptability is drawn from a tough representation of Pisces Sun and Aquarius Moon, the ability to successfully navigate the unknown. Waters leads an elite squadron - they have followed him to the ends of the earth more than once. The story begins at the close of their last mission; all are exhausted and ready for R & R when they receive an order straight from Captain Rhodes [Tom Skerritt].
Lieutenant Waters and his team are to collect, and transport safely, Dr. Lena Kendricks, an American widow [Monica Bellucci] serving with Doctors Without Borders in a Nigerian jungle hospital. Dr. Kendricks is caregiver for civilians in the area who have managed to stay one step ahead of an advancing military force.
Pisces and Aquarius often answer the call to rescue missions, found in lexicons of
Trump XI and Trump XII. Lieutenant Waters and Dr. Lena Kendricks fulfill archetype and keywords for a composite of both trump.
The US government will not interfere with the military coup but must save the doctor caught in range of an attack on the small village hospital. Waters arrives while Dr. Kendricks is in surgery. She refuses to leave her patients behind. So the first wrinkle in the basic plan appears. After Dr. Kendricks insists on political asylum for all in her care, 'things' are more complicated. When reason does not work, Waters tries rolling with the punches. The villagers are packed up with the promise they will also be shuttled to safety in the rescue choppers and the team moves everyone out.
The rebel army tracks their path through the jungle, once again forcing Waters to regroup and recalibrate to meet the chopper on time with his ‘package.’ This is typically the point in a sequence of action when Pisces/Aquarius will take action. The superficial clarity of the story and all underlying layers of truth, about complex characters and their identity, is lifted. Waters and his SEALS learn rebels planted a spy among the refugees, back at the hospital, who updates the troupes determined to annihilate them.
Waters must reassess the situation as related to his commander, his team, the safety of Dr. Kendricks, her patients, and the growing military threat ready to overtake them in the wild. Each time he receives an explosive revelation from those in his care everything goes back to square one and he has to organize everything anew in order to save his team and the refugees.
Revelations continue to surface like the incoming tide, until Waters realizes some degree of soul power will be necessary to move everyone from their position at Point A, through the hostile jungle to the military base, designated Point B. Waters must ask every member of his team, as individuals, what they are willing to risk. He cannot order them to continue.
Our persecutors are swifter than the eagles of the heaven:
they pursued us upon the mountains,
they laid wait for us in the wilderness.
Lamentations 4:19
Bruce Willis with Trump XIX
Trump XIX The Sun may or may not indicate the union of soul mates. But it certainly indicates the union of souls harmonious on all planes, not merely for the purpose of spiritual advancement, but also for the production and rearing of children and to experience the joy of a home. Yet in fact, the harmonious vibrations set in motion, and the sacrifices necessary in the rearing of offspring, are most potent factors in developing the spiritual nature.
Many decks are drawn with two figures, to represent the masculine and feminine principles in the material world. Above the children is the Sun, pictured with a human face in order to convey the idea that it is a center of conscious energy. The traditional Sun has eight salient, or pointed, rays, and eight wavy rays. Each of these is double, to indicate the duality of positive and negative, creative and destructive, expressions of the Life-Power. Since there are 16 rays, and each is doubled, the total number suggested is 2 x 16, or 32, and this is the number of the paths on the Tree of Life.
Between the larger rays are groups of smaller rays, three in each group. There are 16 of these groups, so that the total number of these smaller rays is 48. Thus the total number of rays, large and small, is 64, the number of the Greek word meaning, "truth."
Should there be a doubled status of the large rays, so that they correspond to 32, then the total number represented by the large and small rays will be 32 plus 48, or 80; at the age of 80 Moses returned to rescue Israel (Exodus 7.7).
Note: Regression work sometimes yields 'recall' of young warriors and boys during their initiations in high grass. Some are as young as eight years old. They are given a long spear and told to go into tall grass to find their first lion. In astrology, this type of tribal initiation, from boyhood to manhood, is considered the reflex action of Aquarius to Leo, the Lion.

Some of the things Pisces and the Twelfth House rule:
Pisces governs the 12th Department of Life: Karmic responsibilities, illusion, imagination, absentee healing, the astrosome, inhibiting elements, the effect of marriage and litigation on the health, institutions for the care of unfortunate, prisons, exile. The 12th is the Dept. of Life wherein the poet, prophet, healer, translator [scribe], and mystic reside.
In Mundane Astrology, Pisces and the 12 Dept. of Life govern hospitals, reformatories, charitable institutions such as safe havens for battered women and children, shelter for the homeless, and so on. The same house also includes crime, spies and secret foes, secret societies, the occult, and religion in general. Metaphysical resource lists utilize subtle body energy [Poltergeist] and various conditions during or after incarnate status such as conscious cognitive ability outside the physical vehicle [The Sixth Sense], and the use of the elements to establish order or compromise chaos [The Fifth Element]. In Horary Astrology, the 12th Dept. of Life reveals the secret of the enemy and success of their schemes.
Famous people with strong planetary influences in the twelfth house, unless otherwise noted: Mohammed Ali with Neptune [Virgo]; Bonnie Bedelia [Die Hard series] with Mercury in Pisces [solar chart, position in star chart unknown]; Halle Berry [The Perfect Stranger] with Saturn in Pisces [in fifth house]; George Clooney with Mars [0 Leo]; Russell Crowe with Moon and Vesta [Aquarius]; Eleanor d'Aquitaine with Ceres [Capricorn]; Michael Douglas with Venus [Libra]; Sir Arthur Conan Doyle with Sun [Gemini] in his twelfth house; Bob Dylan Part of Fortune [Sagittarius]; Ian Fleming with Pisces intercepted in his Ascendant [first house]; Jane Fonda with Mercury [Capricorn]; Harrison Ford with Neptune [Virgo]; George Harrison with Neptune [Libra]; Katie Holmes with Jupiter and Moon [Leo]; Mick Jagger with Sun [Leo]; Milla Jovovich {Fifth Element, The] with Ceres, Moon and Mars [Gemini]; Persis Khambatta with Saturn [Virgo]; Thomas Moore with Mars, Moon and Saturn [Scorpio]; Bill Moyers with North Node [Aquarius]; Cybill Shepherd [Moonlighting] with Saturn [Virgo] and Luna in Pisces in the sixth house; Audrey Tautou with Saturn and Mercury [Virgo]; Judi Trott with Jupiter in Pisces [solar chart, place unknown]; Jeffrey Wigand with Neptune [Libra] @ Russell Crowe page.
Star Menu in Honor of Bruce Willis
When you're ready for a little bit of action-adventure that's new and different,
yet low calorie, legal and - guaranteed - won't fill you up or out, this is a keeper.
When company drops by and wants to whisk you away to the Fhlostin Paradise for a fantasy
vacation, you'll want to whip things out and into the fridge really quick.
Formula #1 works best for a technological advantage, if you chill in advance - before
your ensamble cast of characters knock at the door.
Formula #2 will keep you moving the bar so you continue to hit your check
points at the precise time.