Clash of the Titans 2010


C O L O U R   W A V E S

The Red, Gold and Black Wave

The Red Wave helps to ensure balance within a changing universe. We are able to direct our will, using red, to underline the work we are dedicated to 'perfect' while we stay in harmony with higher soul powers [conscious, divine voice, a guardian angel] linked to the cosmic switchboard. The Red Wave, combined with neutrals or other colour waves, can establish an ideal balance with home decor lay outs. Any four sided figure, if doubled, can provide twice as much of the power, counsel, prudence, law, and convenience. Among divinities partaking of the nature of the ogdoad - 8 - : Parnamonia, Rhea, Cybele, Cadmaea, Dindymene, Orcia, Neptune, Themis, and Euterpe (see: Mountain Lake Wave)

The Ogdoad was a mysterious number associated with the Eleusinian Mysteries of Greece and the Cabiri. It was called the little holy number. It derived its form partly from the twisted snakes on the Caduceus of Hermes and partly from the serpentine motion of the celestial bodies; possibly also from the moon's nodes. The vast majority of energy management specialists use an 8-sided design for analysis of a home, holy place, graveyard, etc.

Psellus quotes Zoroaster: "The Egyptians and the Chaldeans taught that there were seven corporeal worlds (i.e. worlds ruled by the intellectual powers); the first is of pure fire; the second, third, and fourth, ethereal; the fifth, sixth, and seventh, material; the seventh being the one called terrestrial and hater of light, and is located under the Moon, comprising within itself the matter called fundus, or foundation. These seven, plus the one invisible crown, constitute the eight worlds."

Plato writes that it is needful for the philosopher to know how the seven circles beneath the first one are arranged according to the Egyptians. The first triad of fire denotes life; the second, water, over which rule the Ibimorphous divinities; and the third, air, ruled by Nephta. From the fire the heavens were created, from the water the earth, and air was the mediator between them. In the Sephira Yetzirah it is said that from the three originate the seven, i.e., the height, the depth, the East, the West, the North, and the South, and the Holy Temple in the center sustaining them all.
Still-Tranquility Zone with visual stepping stone examples and notes.






From the top of the ladder looking down, the story is about a power shift on Mount Olympus related to an Aeon shift and resulted power management themes of the heavenly crew. Traditional pantheon cast is included for the most part. From the bottom of the ladder looking up, the mortal perception of changing times and events appear to mark unexplained phenomena. These two stories merge in the film, CLASH OF THE TITANS


Thetis @ Maggie Smith/Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry


Once inside Medusa's lair, Perseus and his crew slowly moved through the grotto, past the ancient altar, and saw her in the shadow:

In her hands Medusa held a heavy war bow. a quiver of hunting arrows were strapped to the leathery back. As he watched, she selected one of the arrows. Instead of notching it in the bowstring, she deliberately touched the point to one forearm and dragged it across the skin.

The scales parted as if at the touch of a razor. The blood that appeared in the wound was almost black. Smoke rose from the incision and the blood bubbled as it contacted the air. Showing no sigh of pain from the self-inflicted wound, the Gorgon wiped the tip of the arrow in the smoking blood, then set it to bowstring. Her gaze is protection enough, he thought frantically, yet she takes no chances.

He would have to turn toward her again. He spun, making certain the shield was well up in front of his face. He raised and lowered it without pattern, taking care to keep his eyes on the floor whenever lowering it below his line of vision.

"Bow and arrow!" he shouted to his companions. "Keep your shields in front of you and vary the height, so she can't set on a target, and get back. she's ready to fire."

- Alan Dean Foster, CLASH OF THE TITANS
Based on the original screenplay by Beverley Cross



ASTROLOGY - The Kraken Zone

from a book by Joseph F. Goodavage

On August 27, 1883, the volcano Karang on the island of Krakatoa in the Sunda Strait, belched up the fire, ash, and lava in preparation for a series of eruptions that would affect the entire planet for years to come. Each of these mighty explosions were to surpass in fury thousands of 100-megaton H bombs all going off at once!

This story has a particularly interesting celestial background, beginning with the rising of the Sun at Java on November 10, 1882, more than eight months before the main event.

At sunrise, there was a solar eclipse which occurred at 218 degrees 30’ [the middle of the sign Scorpio].

Eight of the planets were in those areas of space long associated with earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. In addition, the Sun and Moon were 180 degrees [in opposition] to Neptune, within a few degrees of opposition to Saturn, and a slightly wider orb of opposition to Pluto [as yet undiscovered]. The Mars-Pluto opposition lacked only two degrees to be exact. Mercury was in trine [120 degrees] aspect with Jupiter.

Thus, on November 10 at 11:19 P.M. G.M.T. [sunrise, Java time] the Moon and Mars were rising with the Sun in Scorpio; Saturn, Neptune and Pluto were setting in Taurus.

Three days later, a series of world-wide earthquakes and volcanic eruptions began, as the orbiting planets formed a closer series of "triggering" aspects with each other and throughout 1883 and took an enormous toll of human life.

Panama and Colon caught it first. The November shock ruptured a telegraph cable 30 miles away. On December 8th, as the Moon transited the place of the eclipse, the earth shook in Romania; volcanoes erupted on the island of Santorin and a new submarine volcano suddenly formed near Missolonghi. Meteors were seen in all cases. On February 1, 1883, when the Moon was quadrature to the eclipse point, Iquique and several other places in South America were rocked again by earthquakes; these shocks extended to Colon on the 4th and 5th, and the cable was torn apart once more.

In the middle of February, when the Sun was exactly quadrature to Saturn, Vesuvius and Etna erupted. On the 21st, an earthquake shook South Australia.

On March 5th, as Mars moved into 90 degree aspect with Saturn, the severest shocks in years rocked Cyprus, and Etna erupted anew.



On May 12, when the Sun conjoined Saturn and both bodies opposed the place of the November 10th eclipse, the volcano Karang, after 200 years of slumber, stirred, belched, and darkened the sky with dust, smoke, and fine ash. From May 20th to 22nd, the violence of these eruptions intensified; they were felt as far away as Anjer and Batavia.

Seven days after a Mars-Saturn conjunction, when the Moon was 90 degrees from the point of the previous conjunction, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter were at exactly the same degree south of the celestial equator and Mercury was in conjunction with the Sun when a great quake opened chasms at Ischia and killed 5,000 people.

Before the pent-up charge of the eclipse and opposition pattern was entirely set off, however, another important celestial event took place, "loading" the system even more.

On May 6, 1883, a total eclipse of the Sun occurred at 45 degrees of celestial longitude [15 degrees Taurus]. Saturn was at 27 degrees Taurus and Jupiter was a 90 degrees celestial longitude. The Moon was in perigee at 8 P.M. just before the eclipse. Shortly afterward, when the Moon conjoined Saturn, a devastating earthquake occurred in Central America. Every coastal city and village suffered enormous damage.



Then On August 27th, 1883, as Mars [the trigger] and the Moon, in conjunction, reached the place held by Jupiter [expansion] at the eclipse, the awesome climax was reached. With a release of energy exceeding that of scores of H-bombs, Krakatoa erupted like nothing known in man’s memory. In a series of unimaginably violent explosions, the island volcano blasted four and a half cubic miles of itself into the thinnest reaches of the upper atmosphere on four consecutive 80,000 foot towers of flaming violence!

Each convulsive earth-shattering roar was felt and heard 2,750 miles away. Huge walls of water rose to a height of 100 feet and roared off at unbelievable speeds into the South China Sea and the Pacific and Indian Oceans. They destroyed everything in their paths. Tidal registers in every part of the world recorded it.

On the coast of Java, three towns and every living creature within them were literally erased from the face of the planet. A great hole 1,000 feet deep was ripped out of the floor of the ocean. Thirty-five thousand people met instant death, and thousands more died in the aftermath. An island 3,000 feet high was totally submerged. High noon for thousands of miles surrounding Sunda Strait was as black as a Moonless, starless, midnight for almost two weeks.

Several years later, due to atmospheric debris from the eruptions, the world’s sunsets were still weirdly beautiful red and scarlet panoramas—-like a view from an alien world. Ten years afterward the dust and ashes of Krakatoa, carried by the trade winds and jet streams, was still settling all over the globe.

Krakatoa, now considered dormant, still synchronizes its activity with celestial events. It erupted ten times during the 1950s.

Computers using celestial data could provide the seismic warning systems of the future, months, or even years, before the first ominous rumblings or ruptures in the Earth’s crust.

-Joseph F. Goodavage, ASTROLOGY The Space Age Science

In recent years, the increased number of observations have yielded another fact that became important in regard to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in the dark, silent depths of the oceans. "When a planet is in perigee [closest to Earth], perihelion [close to the Sun], or stationary, it acts with greater potency than at other times."




The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World

  The Great Pyramid at Giza is the only wonder of the ancient world still standing. Location: The city of Giza, a necropolis of ancient Memphis, and today part of Greater Cairo. Recommended reading: The Search for Omm Sety

  The Hanging Gardens of Babylon [believed to be a masterpiece of extensive terracing and intricate irrigation] in ancient Persia. Location: On the east bank of the River Euphrates, about 50 km south of Baghdad.

  Zeus at Olympia, the great statue designed by the architect Libon was built around 450 BC. Location: At the ancient town of Olympia, west of Athens.

  Temple of Diana at Ephesus, site of the great mystery plays, the great library, and a sacred Christian site, the last residence of the Virgin Mary and final resting place of St. John. The monument to sacred architecture served as a sanctuary, a religious and philosophic institution, and marketplace.

  Mausoleum for King Mausollos of Caria at Halicarnassus. King Mausollos reigned from 377 to 353 B.C., moved his capital to Halicarnassus, and possibly initiated work on his mausoleum during his life. The tomb was completed three years after his death. Location: The city is now known as Bodrum on the Aegean, in southwest Turkey.

   The Colossus of Rhodes The inscription reads: To you, O Sun, the people of Dorian Rhodes set up this bronze statue reaching to Olympus when they had pacified the waves of war and crowned their city with the spoils taken from the enemy. Not only over the seas but also on land did they kindle the lovely torch of freedom. Locataion: The mouth of the harbor of Rhodes, a Greek island in the Mediterranean.

   The Lighthouse of Alexandria, from 285 B.C., has been written about in every language, possibly because it stood into the late 1400s. The great god of the seafaring age, Poseidon the Earthshaker, adorned the summit of the lighthouse that was as tall as a modern 40 story building. Location: The island of Pharos, now within Alexandria, Egypt.

  J.R.R. Tolkien coloured the voices of Middle-earth with the compelling call to pure ore, as portrayed by Elven smiths reforging Narsil in Rivendell. Eloquent metal work throughout Peter Jackson's motion picture version of The Lord of The Rings, includes enchantment, many gems of knowledge and pearls of wisdom. Visit Ian Holm page for Bilbo Baggins sword, Sting [with inscription.]

  Bene Gesserit Litany Against Fear
"I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."
-Frank Herbert, Dune




Symbols of Sol in Movie Costume, Make-up and Weaponry

In alchemy, the pure feminine principal is symbolized by a dove, white eagle, and red or golden phoenix [Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets.] In Egypt the falcon, hawk and sometimes eagle, are sacred symbols of the sun [The Beast Master, Cleopatra, The Egyptian, The Ten Commandments.] For protection or candle burning rituals [1 candlestick with 7 branches] gold is used to represent solar power [silver for luna] and for health, the archetypal colour is scarlet, the Sun’s most essential mode. Ra, Osiris, and Horus are often depicted with the heads of hawks and headdresses worn by goddesses were the falcon and hawk [Cleopatra, She.] Druids, also known as Dove Priests, wore the Belt that identified them with the Sun, the Celtic word for a Belt being ‘Crios.’ The Celtic name for Christ is ‘Crios-d,’ meaning ‘Belt-God.’

According to Curtis, "This Belt named all Druids… all words like Belt, Gir-th, Ban-d and Gir-d name the same daily orbit of the sun, which in the picture-language costume of the Druids was the Gilded Belt. The girdle is also a covenant of strength and represents the current of spiritual force which circles around man’s body just below the breasts… when man can hold the 7 stars in his right hand, his girdle will be a visible current of spiritual life-force passing through his heart, through the life-center in the right breast and through the center of illumination in the spinal cord opposite the heart." The 7 stars in the constellation Ursa Major or the Great Bear are considered the positive aspects or executors of the 7 Pleiades [constellation Taurus, who represented the Bull and Thunder-god of England]… they [7 Rishis] are called by the Hindus ‘the husbands of the Pleiades.’

"… it has been shown that many stars widely separated and apparently belonging to separate systems, are mysteriously related to each other, especially the Pleiades and the Great Bear… it is largely the positive and negative powers emanating from these 2 constellations that give to the number 7 it’s mystical significance."


Women Rock - Mercury in the Signs

Fear of Gold, Red, and Black

Aurophobia - Fear of gold.
Xanthophobia - Fear of the color yellow or the word yellow.
Erythrophobia (i-rith-ruh-FO-bee-uh)
1. Hypersensitivity to the color red.
2. An extreme fear of blushing. From the Greek, 'erythros' (red) + 'phobia' (fear). Melanophobia - Fear of the color black.

"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself -
nameless, unreasoning, unjustified, terror which paralyzes
needed efforts to convert retreat into advance."
-FDR - First Inaugural Address, March 4, 1933




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