1. Who first obtained the photograph of the Red October? a) United Nations, b) CIA, c) British Intelligence
2. Why can’t Jack Ryan sleep on the plane he takes to D.C.? a) coffee, b) turbulence, c) nerves
3. Submarine models were photographed using what effect? a) smoke, b) artificial colouring in water, c) blue screen & mat
4. What is the nationality of Captain Ramius? a) Russian, b) Lithuanian, c) Polish
5. Sean Connery’s hairpiece was designed to look like who? a) Al Pacino in Godfather III, b) Frontman for Sugar Ray, c) playwright Samuel Becket
6. The lighting effects inside the Dallas are based on what colour? a) red, b) blue, c) green
7. The Russian Protocol Officer reads about what event when the film begins? a) The War in Heaven, b) Armageddon, c) the fall of Babylon
8. At the White House briefing we learn the Russians have been told to _____ Red October.
9. Student nickname for Captain Ramius. a) The Bear, b) Moscow's Hammer, c) Vilnias Schoolmaster
10. Who is the first actor offered the role of Jack Ryan? a) Alec Baldwin, b) Richard Gere, c) Kevin Costner
11. What name did Captain Mancuso first give Red October? a) Silent Ivan, b) Typhoon Seven, c) Silent Thor
12. The Enterprise aircraft carrier Captain is in real life… a) A Navy sub commander, b) U.S. Senator, c) former waiter turned actor
13. When the officers meet for dinner, they dine on the course selected by … a) Sean Connery, b) Sam Neill, c) the mother of the director
14. At the bottom half of the hour, Captain Ramius always … a) looks over the computers, b) makes a crazy Ivan, c) speaks to the navigator about the charts
15. Opening scenes for the film were shot in… a) Alaska, b) New England, c) San Diego
16. Tupolov descended from … a) revolution leaders, b) aristocracy, c) genius in space technology
17. The Red October sailed on the 23rd, date of … a) the revolution, b) Petrov’s appointment , c) death of Ramius’ wife
18. In the closing scene we observe Ryan has remembered to bring home … a) A bear, b) flowers for his wife, c) recent magazines for Admiral Greer
19. Jeffery Pelt said when he isn’t kissing babies he is … a) not in an election year, b) playing golf, c) stealing their lolly pops
20. Just prior to the White House briefing Admiral Greer tells Ryan to … a) speak his mind, b) keep it simple, c) defer to the brass

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